Our Annual St. Charles & LCC Auction has been moved to an online format. The auction will still take place on Saturday, March 28th, only now you can bid from the comfort of your home. This is our biggest fundraiser that supports both LCC and St. Charles. We need your help to make this year’s event a success! It is FREE to participate! You can register to bid here:
We have a ton of great items for you to bid on and we will be offering our very popular MYSTERY BOXES.
On the 28th, bidding for Silent Auction items will be open from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mystery Boxes 4 p.m. until they sell out, and our Main Event (formerly Live Auction) items 5-7 p.m. To preview our auction items click here: https://lcchsauction2020.ggo.bid/. Keep checking back, we will be adding additional items.
Have questions or trouble registering? Mary Kay Musyt will be available from now through the event to address any questions or concerns that may arise with registration or bidding. Please feel free to contact her at mmusyt@apps.lcchs.edu or (567) 371-1302. You can also message us questions on Facebook!
Thank you for your time and continued support of our school and its mission. We hope you will join us on the 28th!
Auction Moves to Online Format on March 28th!
March 19, 2020