Of all the programs offered at LCC, retreats are among the most important and most intricate. A retreat can often be one of the most powerful tools at our disposal for bringing students to a face-to-face encounter with the very real presence of God in their lives. LCC has implemented a 4 year retreat program designed to build on one another and provide students a natural progression that coincides with their experiences throughout high school. Each retreat is planned by our Campus Minister who works closely with our Theology teachers to make sure that each retreat meets the needs of students in an individual grade level.
All LCC students are required to participate in an annual retreat. Retreat days, whether in-house or off campus, are a graduation requirement for all students in each of the four years at LCC and are designed to offer students a meaningful and prayerful experience. Retreats afford our students time for conversion, reconciliation, the development of community, solitude with God and fun time away from the pressures of everyday life. They are an essential and necessary part of the LCC faith life allowing students to take the time to consider the truly important aspects of life.